Monday, March 5, 2012

Martin Puryear Reflection

After looking through Martin Puryear’s website, my take on his work is that it is very simplistic but so thought-provoking because you just think of how many things one piece could be inspired by. Although most of Puryear’s pieces allude to recognizable forms and subjects, he intends for every piece to remain independent of specific interpretations; which I think is wonderful. I think that his gallery of pieces allows any person or audience to take away a different feeling or emotion from each of his works because every person can interpret for themselves what they think a piece means. He uses form and material in a very frugal way, constantly using minimal material and thin lines within his sculpture; adding to the minimalistic qualities of his work. Overall I would love to be able to see all of his pieces in person, I specifically have spent quite a bit of time looking at his pieces entitled Desire (from 1981), Ladder for Booker T. Washington (from 1996) and C. F. A. O (from 2006-07) because his woodwork is incredible.

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