Monday, March 5, 2012

Kendall Buster Reflection

After exploring Buster’s work, I take from all of her pieces a sort of awe because of how delicate her pieces look. The projects she has suspended from steel rods from the ceiling look like fragile paper lamps, when in reality are very strong and intricate designs. At first I thought Buster only worked with white paper lamp looking materials but as I continued to explore her work, realized her latest projects were done with stainless steel rods which is extremely admirable knowing how difficult steel is to work with. I would love to walk through one of her exhibits because they seem very interactive, as you can see in her Long Pierce skeletal frame sculpture, there are people inside which would be a fascinating point of view. 
 Long Pierce

 Double Chalice (1996)
I love her work and would adore having one of her pieces hanging from the ceiling in my future home, I know it would be admired every time a new person would step foot inside because of her intricacy and attention to detail.

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