Tuesday, September 6, 2011


I present to you: The Nightlight.

What makes these drawings successful and what they communicate to the viewer:

I believe these drawings are successful because of the variety; each drawing has a lot of technique and thought behind it. I hope these images communicate to the viewer that thinking outside of the box is what is going to make this project interesting. If I would've only done contour drawings and not had fun with the scribble/blind contour drawings, I think my project all together would have been dry and unoriginal. My favorite of these drawings are the scribble/cross contour because the nightlight has so many transparent lines in its design, the scribbling gave me a chance to really highlight those lines and the different faces of the nightlight. Dieter Rams says that "good design makes a product useful." I think this nightlight falls into that category because its a simple and honest design, where no part of it is useless and distracting. Under this principle Rams says that, "a product is bought to be used" which is the exact idea behind a nightlight. It is purchased to fulfill one very simple purpose, to provide light.

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